Apprenticeship Training in Finland and Baden-Württemberg, Germany – Exchange of Information and Ideas

Tervetuloa osallistumaan Baden-Württembergin ja Suomen ammatillisen koulutuksen järjestäjien yhteistyötilaisuuteen, jossa tarkastellaan oppisopimuskoulutusta kumppanimaissa.

Aika: Keskiviikkona 25.5. klo 15-16.00 (Suomen aikaa)
Paikka: Teams
Ilmoittaudu tästä 23.5.2022 mennessä
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The Embassy of Finland in Berlin, IHK Region Stuttgart, Finnish Education Employers Sivista, The Finnish Association for the Development of Vocational Education and Training AMKE, Apprenticeship Experts in Finland Association Opso, Gewerbliche Schule Backnang and Alfred Kärcher SE & Co.

have the pleasure to invite you to a Networking Webinar

Apprenticeship Training in Finland and Baden-Württemberg, Germany – Exchange of Information and Ideas on Wednesday 25 May 2022 at 14:00–15:30 CEST / 15:00–16:30 EEST online in Teams

14:00 CEST Welcome words
Anne Sipiläinen, Ambassador of Finland to Germany

14:10 CEST Brief introduction to the current situation, challenges and development plans of the apprenticeship system in Baden-Württemberg
Karin Barthel and Barbara Keller, Training Consultants, IHK Region Stuttgart

14:20 CEST A vocational school’s and a company’s experiences about apprenticeship in Baden-Württemberg from the practical point of view
Dr. Isolde Fleuchaus, Principal, Gewerbliche Schule Backnang
Andrea Beck, Director HR Training & Development, Alfred Kärcher SE & Co.

14:40 CEST The Finnish apprenticeship system today, challenges and development plans – apprenticeship and training agreement as alternatives
Saku Lehtinen, Leading expert, The Finnish Association for the Development of Vocational Education and Training AMKE

14:55 CEST International exchange possibilities for apprentices and apprenticeship personnel
Michael Uriot, Project Management “Go.for.europe”, Baden-Württemberg Association of Chambers of Industry and Commerce

15:00 CEST Example of international apprenticeship cooperation between Oulu, Finland and Backnang, Baden-Württemberg
Virpi Spangar, President, Apprenticeship Experts in Finland Association Opso
Dr. Isolde Fleuchaus, Principal, Gewerbliche Schule Backnang

15:10 CEST Discussion and Q&A

The webinar will be moderated by Jussi-Pekka Rode, Senior Advisor, Finnish Education Employers Sivista

For further information, please contact: Ms. Sara Saramäki: